Saturday, 27 July 2024 09:59

Customs handling

We offer professional customs services at our own customs agency in Biała Podlaska, and in a chain of customs agencies which signed cooperation agreements with us, situated along the Eastern border of Poland, at airports, sea ports and at internal Customs Offices in many cities around Poland. On the basis of a client’s authorization we may perform all services provided in the Community Customs Code, including in particular the following:

  • examine and sample goods prior to the customs declaration;
  • prepare the necessary documents and file customs declarations;
  • pay tax and customs duties;
  • collect goods released from customs;
  • place customs security against customs debt;
  • file appeals and other applications to be reviewed by customs authorities.

On behalf of our clients we may file customs declarations in the following customs regimes:

  • release for free circulation
  • transit
  • customs warehousing
  • temporary admission
  • exportation.

We offer services in the scope of:

  • issuing TC 10, collecting confirmed cards 3 of export declarations.

We act as an intermediary in obtaining:

  • phytosanitary certificates
  • veterinary certificates
  • CIS certificates